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REDD+ Methodology Framework (VM0007)

This methodology provides a set of modules for various components of a methodology for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). This methodology is applicable to forest lands, forested wetlands, forested peatlands and tidal wetlands that would be deforested or degraded in the absence of the project activity. This methodology includes a module on Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions from unplanned deforestation and unplanned wetland degradation (BL-UP), v3.3 (VMD0007).

This methodology provides a set of modules for various components of a methodology for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). This methodology is applicable to forest lands, forested wetlands, forested peatlands and tidal wetlands that would be deforested or degraded in the absence of the project activity.

File Type: www
Categories: Manual
Tags: science
Author: Verra
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Downloads: 29