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The International Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC) connects government agencies with non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental organisations and research institutions from around the world, with a joint vision to protect, sustainably manage and restore global coastal blue carbon ecosystems contributing to climate change mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity, ocean economies and livelihoods of coastal communities.

The Partnership is not a funding body, but instead aims to better connect the efforts of governments, research organisations and non-government organisations. It also aims to build on the significant initiatives already under way in this area.

The Partnership was launched at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris in 2015 by 9 founding Partners and has now grown to over 60 members.




The Partnership’s vision is for all global coastal blue carbon ecosystems (mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses) to be protected, sustainably managed or restored – contributing to climate change mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity, ocean economies and livelihoods of coastal communities.


The mission of the Partnership is to provide an open forum for government agencies, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental organisations and research institutions to connect, share and collaborate to build solutions, take actions, and benefit from the experience and expertise of the global community.


The Partnership’s desired impact is for all countries with blue carbon ecosystems to have established policies for the long-term conservation of blue carbon ecosystems and to be implementing management plans or restoration projects.


To achieve the Partnership’s impact, Partnership activities are directed towards contributing to three goals:

  1. Increased international commitments to protect coastal blue carbon ecosystems
  2. Improved national policies to conserve, protect and restore coastal blue carbon ecosystems
  3. Accelerated on-the-ground implementation of blue carbon conservation, protection and restoration activities


Partners are government agencies, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental organisations, regional organisations and research institutions that share a joint vision to protect, sustainably manage and restore global coastal blue carbon ecosystems contributing to climate change mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity, ocean economies and livelihoods of coastal communities.

Partners hold an extensive range and depth of knowledge and expertise on blue carbon science, policy development or program implementation are willing to share their expertise and collaborate on global solutions. Partners have ambition to contribute to international efforts to protect, sustainably manage and restore global coastal blue carbon ecosystems and will benefit directly from being connected with the diverse expertise offered by the Partnership.

View our partners


The Coordinator works closely with the Coordinating Group and is responsible for day-to-day management of the Partnership, including logistical support for Partnership activities and communication with Partners and other stakeholders.

The Coordinating Group is responsible for guiding the development and implementation of the strategic direction of the Partnership, the roadmap of activities and confirming new members to the Partnership. The Coordinating Group is comprised of five members, with an effort to reflect the geographic and sectoral diversity of the Partnership.

The current members of the Coordinating Group are: Australia (Coordinator), Conservation International, Centre for International Forestry Research, GRID-Arendal, and Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.