Blue Carbon Partner Organisations

There are currently 55 Partners that form the International Partnership for Blue Carbon.

Partners hold an extensive range and depth of knowledge and expertise on blue carbon science, policy development or program implementation are willing to share their expertise and collaborate on global solutions. Partners have ambition to contribute to international efforts to protect, sustainably manage and restore global coastal blue carbon ecosystems and will benefit directly from being connected with the diverse expertise offered by the Partnership.

Organisations and countries seeking IPBC membership should have the capacity or the ambition to contribute to international efforts to protect and restore coastal blue carbon ecosystems.

There is no fee for joining the Partnership. However, Partners are asked to actively participate or contribute to IPBC activities through:

  • hosting of workshops or side-events at international climate change or other relevant meetings
  • allocating in-kind resources to participate in policy and technical discussion groups, or to support
  • communication and guidance products funding or in-kind support for administration and communication activities of the IPBC secretariat.


      Non Government Organisation

      Research Organisations


      Asia pacific



      North America

      South America