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IPBC calendar of blue carbon events

IPBC Partners are working together to connect and share expertise on blue carbon with the global community through events, workshops and knowledge exchange sessions.

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UNFCCC COP28 Side Event: Beyond Blue Carbon: Maximizing the Benefits of Coastal Wetland NDC Commitments for Climate, People, and Nature

05/12/2023 @ 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm +04

This event will present the experiences of countries that have included coastal wetlands within their NDCs, and the policy, financing, and stakeholder outreach mechanisms being deployed for NDC development and implementation. Attendees will leave with an improved understanding of the diversity of policy and financial mechanisms that exist for coastal wetland NDC implementation, including the opportunities and challenges of each.

Organisers: The Commonwealth Blue Charter and The Pew Charitable Trusts

Venue: Commonwealth Pavilion, Blue Zone


1:45 pm - 3:00 pm +04